Scientific Dentistry | Approach
High level dentistry requires an exact and certain diagnosis and an excellent treatment plan. For this reason, a certain protocol is followed for every patient who is in need of our services.
In the first appointment, a detailed conversation is carried out aiming at the complete understanding of the patient’s desires and needs. The next step comprises the record-keeping of the general medical and dental history, as well as a clinical intraoral examination.
In case of extensive lesions or if an aesthetic or prosthodontic treatment is needed, further data is collected through the following means:
- Panoramic gnathography
- Obtaining intraoral photographs
- Obtaining upper and lower jaw impressions
- Calculation of occlusal relationships
After the first appointment, all information is taken into consideration and the diagnosis for the particular case is recorded. This procedure leads up to the recommended treatment plan, aiming at an aesthetically and functionally perfect, natural result.
In the second appointment, the patient is provided with a detailed briefing on the diagnosis. Alternative treatment and restoration plans are recommended. Each plan includes the treatment procedure; the advantages and disadvantages; the cost, as well as, the implementation time schedule. In cooperation with the patient we decide what the most appropriate treatment obtains for his case.